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Application Empty
PostSubject: Application   Application EmptySun Nov 02, 2008 11:02 pm

Exact OOC(ingame) name: Ben

Full IC name: Lalira

Race & gender: Night elf, female.

IRL name: Benjamin Sandoval

IRL age & gender:
16, Male.

IRL nationality: Norwegian.

Some info about yourself:
I've played wow for about three years, I do however only have just 1 level 70 character. That's because I prefer Roleplaying instead of leveling, and I also do a lot of other stuff than gaming. That doesn't mean i'm inactive though, hardly.
My main character is Leilo, who is the sister of the character that i'm applying. The rp story of Leilo and Lalira has been something i've worked on for almost as long as i've played, i find it amusing to make the game deeper and more meaningful just by thinking out plots.

Reason for joining:
Lalira is not a good elf, and she'd not hook up with good people. So i saw a good excuse to indulge myself in a bit of evil rp. Though i've always strayed away from the evil branch of rp( in fear of goldshire vampiric and demonic god-rping), i always knew that there was one guild that did not fall into that trap. - The scourge. And so "The Cult of Thuzadin" felt like a healthy place to rp, with lots of creativity and guts.

Character background:

This is a rather large pack.
Just read the Lalira one, but since the others are so relevant i'll have them up too.
If you read it all(oh my, don't).. Be sure to remember that the first volumes were written quite some time ago.

Vol - 3

Floating through time and thoughts, Leilo suddenly felt a change in her being.
Her chest was being dramatically drawn backwards into more of the nothingness she was surrounded with.
Like hooked by a gigantic hook she was pulled away from her dream, the pain was so
great she didn't think her chest could survive it.

Everything flashed in different colors, she felt her feet moving backwards.
Astonished by her sudden control over her own self, she tried to run backwards.
The pain had gone away and as she hit a rock and fell, she gasped.
Breathing again, for the first time in ages she looked up at the tree's above her head.
She was apparently in a forest, not unlike the forest she once sat by her sister's bed.
But this one was dark and gloomy, not white and poisoned by ash.

She felt as reborn, her strength lacked and her spirit was lessened.
She walked around in the forest with no goal, her eyelids closed.
Trying to organize her thoughts and looking for an explanation for all that had happened she stumbled into tree's, fell down small cliffs and was snared by roots.

She was so used of not caring about anything, she did not notice her body being cut several places and her skin was full of bruises.
Coming up with no solution to why she was sent back from whatever she fell into, she opened her eyes.
There, in the pitch-dark forest a light shone. She ran towards it, and as she heard the sound of bells she thought it obvious that there were friendly people at the light's source.

Leilo found the town of Darkshire, a little town in the forest of Duskwood.
She learned to master her skills once again, but things went slow as she regained her strength. The forest of Duskwood as of previously unknown reasons she has spent a lot of time in became her home, her refuge.

It was a place of restoration for her, in the contrast to the undead scourge inhabiting the forest, she wielded her skills in a gracious manner.

And as she joined The Darnassus Sentinels, under the leadership of Elloa her new life became a reality. She was no longer interested in remembering her past, as it seemed cruel and cloudy for her.

Leilo held a low profile throughout the meetings and gatherings of The Darnassus Sentinels and never spoke a word about her past to anyone, leaving the impression of her being a young talented priest of lesser ranks.

There was no real joy in her life now, though there was no sadness either. Her life was pleasant and she was happy with her achievements.

But one day she met a rogue named Firez, he was older and wiser than the rest of the sentinels and each time he walked by she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

She only thought that it would be a flirt, and it was a flirt but she never knew if he returned her feelings, so she planned to confront him.

A night at the Deepwater Tavern she met Firez, but confronting was not needed and they spent the night together.

Her feelings grew for Firez, and she never realized she had fallen so deeply in love with him as she had, not until she left him.


Leilo strode among undead scourge, alike those in Duskwood. The forest was gloomy and blue, and spiders and wolves were in her way.

She had been given a task, one that could only be done by her kin.

"Why am I granted such a dangerous task?" she said to herself silently, pouting.
The sun felt more in reach as she was standing on green grass, her blue hair was floating through the warm air like a warm summer's breeze.

Indeed, it was summer. She ran along a pathway, there was a destroyed wooden bench beside her. She sat down and looked around in amazement at the scenery.

The forest she was in now was very different from the scourge-infected forest she just left, and she felt welcomed as the birds sang their songs in the treetops.

She continued to walk along the path, looking around her for any enemies. The forest of Eversong was green and beautiful.

Then she saw her, shadows surrounded her being. Leilo sensed the evil that was now in eyesight.

A blood elf, tall and mighty had so obviously noticed her and was walking towards her with a stern determination. She was clad in red, but her soul was black and twisted.

"I come in peace, warlock" Leilo uttered,
"I know this , I have waited a long time for this, sister" the warlock hissed.
"W-what did you call me?" Leilo said, trying to resist the darkness that clouded her thoughts. Leilo was trained in most situations surrounding warlocks, but this warlock was especially powerful, she knew she had to try to resist the magics and get away as fast as possible.

"Leilo, I called you here for a single purpose. You have something I want, your powers would be useful for me, sister" Lalira said through gritted teeth, and Leilo saw her own eyes in hers.

"Lalira? ... Are you alive? I thought, I .." A tear fell down on her cheek, she was trembling.

"I have not come for a family reunion, you have no idea how many rules I am breaking by letting you enter our forest, Leilo" Lalira spoke, "You are not to say anything to anyone, if you do I shall make sure the process will go even faster!"

"What are you talking about? I know no process, I am on a mission to spy on Quel'dorei, but I would never let anyone hurt my belowed sister" she smiled and tried to come closer to her sister.

"Get away, filth!" Lalira bellowed and punched Leilo, forcing her to step back."You Kal'dorei are weak and lack the knowledge in magics as we have, we are superior in all ways! But you are of my flesh and blood, I shall let you be a part of me, I shall take your soul, Leilo."

Lalira started chanting, and like a lance of ice darkness pierced Leilo's heart. She screamed out in agony, her tears flooded down her face and she fell on the ground, both hands clutching her chest. "Aaaaaigh!" She shouted, but around her was only darkness, but inside her head she heard her sisters treacherous words. "You are stronger than I thought, sister. You managed to resist my magic, for a while. In a week, you will be mine and then I shall be the most powerful warlock of Silvermoon."

Leilo felt as if she could not stand, she was getting more weak by the second, her power was being drained. She understood she would soon die, and no tears were going to stop that.

"They know I'm here, they will come and get me. They will know of your existence, stop this and - and they might not kill you" Leilo screamed at the direction where she thought Lalira would be, though her eyelids were closed.

"No one knows you are here, Leilo. I made you go here, there is no mission. I made you see it, you fool! How else would you find your way through The Ghostlands?"

Leilo rolled over, her body shook for a couple of seconds, then she lay still as if dead.


What happened next is clouded by darkness, and Leilo can no longer recall. She was floating in and out of existence, her eyes grew darker each second, and her magical powers were gone, and her soul was soon fading too.

However, she can remember meeting with Firez in Darkshire telling him that she is dying. Her love for Firez was the only thing that made her see through the darkness.

After leaving Firez, she told her tiger to take her to The Talon Den, where she would spend her final days, the dryads of the den knew of ancient magics that could make her strong enough to resist her curse, Eventually.

Leilo never knew if she made it to the den or not.

Leaving Firez made her loose the only thing that made her resist the curse. And not long after, she felt her soul leaving her body.

In that very second it all went black.

Vol - 4

It was alright,as I left her crumbling,
the growing power was flowing through my veins,
and everyone could see it, as my eyes shone dark with malice.

They understood, a change of power was now at hand, it made them frightened.
I had no intentions to hurt any of them, my fellows. We lived together in the shadow of the red and golden city.

They deceived me, attacked me! I could see the fear in their eyes.
It came unexpected, my channeling of power was not yet complete.

So I was cast away by my own people, never to return.
The energy that was flowing from her to me had been lost.
Neither me, nor her would ever retrieve it.
And I felt weak as I had not felt since the time the world shattered,
but still I ran.

Then one starless night, I heard their wretched voices.
And my world, the world I knew, was no more.


The streets of Stormwind had fallen silent, only a loud snore broke the silence consequently in the distance. Leilo strolled slowly down the dark path, trying to make as little sound as possibly. The temperature was comfortable now. It had been very hot all day, but with the moon, also came the cool breeze. From the high towers one could see her shining white dress reflecting the moonlight luminescently. But only her quiet taps could be heard toward the stone pavement. The Cathedral drew closer with its large chandeliers throwing light down the stone steps outside.

As Leilo reached the fountain and looked up toward the Cathedral, there was something different. A shadow sat on the stone steps, almost obscured by the light. As she drew closer, this familiarity seemed to grow huger. A dramatic shadow raised in front of her.

And just as Leilo thought she would have to fight, the shadow shrunk. A deep "Clank" sounded as it hit the stairs, and another "Clonk", and another one, and another. Whatever it was fell down all the steps, finally lying lifeless on the bottom. Light now shone upon an elf. The hair slightly blackened, with a dark armor and around; a pool of blood.


I am free but wounded, released from the King's grasp.
No more will he command me, no longer will he see my mind.
My dark armor is weary, and this road is so long.

A shadow now creeps upon the white city of Stormwind, it looks old and very tired.
But beneath its white towers I moved slowly, silently memorizing a well-known speech for an old friend.

But when she came, the white shining dress and her worried face, i could not speak.


She sat there, looking at her sister's face. She gently removed the helmet and allowed the black curls to fall down. "This time, I shall really take care of you", she kissed her sister.
And with a light movement she picked her up and carried her into the tall cathedral.

"You have come to me, but you know that it will not be like before. Because I am not the same, and neither are you. I shall take care of you, but you shall likewise take care of me.
We are one now, not evil nor good. Too much tears and blood has been spilled between us, now let us together spill others' instead. I am the face of goodness, the avatar of charity. For years now have I been a caring priest in this city, I shall be our face."
Lalira sat up, five days had passed since she arrived at the Cathedral. She looked strong now, her hair was clean and black as the void. Her eyes were sharp, but glowing unnaturally. She picked up her knife, pointed it to her sister and said: " I shall be our fists, our weapons and our shield. Where you create, I will break. Where you will heal, I shall slaughter. And together we will fulfill each other, and nobody will suspect either one of us. Why will we do this, now as we have finally conciliation between us? Because we share a common goal, you and I." Lalira was about to finish her sentence when Leilo put her finger to Lalira's lips and said "Shh". "Time has come, no more solitude. But we must be quiet in our ways. Let's not speak of this here.
Come, we have work to do."

If you would get accepted, what would your idea of "Random RP" as a cultist be?
That would be me executing the orders of the guild, perhaps not with the exact same motive, but it would be on the cults' orders. I do not always have half as much time for random rp as i wish i had. But my random rp would happen around 19-22 gametime. I am however always trying my very best to be present at events, as long as they are not too lengthy.

As you understand, Lalira is a death knight. I'm applying her early because i feel that there will be a scary stream of people wanting to join you at the time wotlk comes out :p
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2007-12-11
Age : 34
Location : Beveren, Belgium

Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application   Application EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 2:31 pm

Always nice to see an applicant pay a lot of attention to the character he roleplays with!

I haven't read all of the background, but from what I've read it's very nicely written and an interesting story Wink

One question though.. Your character's name is "Ben"? o.O

Other than that very good application. Good idea to apply as a DK before the big rerolling - I also expect a big stream-in Wink

Accepted - contact me, Wimto, Gree, Sharox, Ríck or Andarion in-game for an invite.
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